Corona Virus Panic


Cruise Moab Committee
Cruise Moab Committee
Jan 3, 2019
Littleton, CO
Current stats for me are (that I know about):

Friends who have had relatives die: 2
Friends who are recovering from "mild" symptoms that kicked their butts for two or more weeks: 2
Friends with family or close co-workers who either have recently tested positive or are expected to soon: 2
Friends who are now taking this less seriously or who never took it seriously to begin with: a bunch

I'm not so much worried about me dying since I'm an elder millennial and we basically invented suicide memes. I'm more concerned at this point about being the only caretaker for my parents and aunt if any of them get sick. And 👸🏻 is the only caretaker for her parents as well. I've got people around me yelling to completely reopen the economy and allow house parties and whatnot. It's frustrating because they are basically saying my immunocompromised mother should be sacrificed.
People are crazy. I’m literally surprised at some of the responses through this whole thing. I would think as a country we could give our fellow citizens on both sides the benefit of doubt, but it seems everyone is so tribal these days we think of our neighbors as ideological enemies.


Rising Sun Member
Aug 24, 2005
Denver, CO
I directly know one person who has died, another who died and was the child of mom's friend, one friend's father still in ICU, many sick who were tested positive and now recovered. Several other highly likely had it and recovered, including possibly both people in the other half of the duplex I live in, girlfriend (mild symptoms including the taste loss, and me (but I was late January, got sick in NYC and if I had it like that now, would be very high on suspicion that it was not a cold or flu)


Rising Sun Member
May 5, 2015
People's Soviet Socialist Republic of California,
From the monthly meeting thread, someone asked about many of the trail aggregation and trail guide websites not keeping up-to-date information on what's fully open, what's open for locals, and what's fully closed from the whole COVD-19 stuff. Instead of completely derailing that thread, I thought I'd say a few more words over here.

All I can really speak to is Trails Offroad (just barely) because I'm a contributor there but I suspect it's the same for all similar resources. The short answer is that the situation is changing way too quickly for any of us to keep on top of it on an hour-by-hour basis. All of us contributors to the trail guides on the site have regular full time day jobs (well, okay several have been laid off in the last two months).

Another issue that I was personally concerned about was becoming a focal point for COVID closure hate. There is a small but extremely vocal and very mad portion of the country that can't even accept wearing face masks to protect others and certainly don't want to be told by a website where they can or cannot go. Someone was even shot and killed the other day in Michigan because he was just doing his job by telling people to wear masks in a private business.

I also personally have concern over if we should be advertising which trails are open when so many probably aren't based on local, city, county, state, USFS/BLM/etc closures. If nine trails are closed but one is open, then everyone is going to go to that one trail and destroy it.

Another potential outcome is that the information could be wrong or out of date. So maybe we list a trail as closed when it's really open. Or vice versa. Or we miss the nuance that it's open for locals but not for out of towners.

As far as I can see, it is a no win scenario. Do we make people mad by listing trails as closed? Do we make people mad by not telling them anything? Do we make people mad by even mentioning COVID-19?

So what Trails Offroad decided to do was put a banner at the top of every trail guide to remind people to double check with the various authorities that have jurisdiction wherever you are going. That puts the burden on individuals to make up their own minds and do their own homework. It's all about personal responsibility at the end of the day.



Rising Sun Member
Aug 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Someone was even shot and killed the other day in Michigan because he was just doing his job by telling people to wear masks in a private business.

I am troubled by that headline - all the news outlets saying it. Poor guard was shot because some gangbangers were offended that he told the guy's girlfrien'd s kid to wear a mask, she was all upset, their manhood was offended, and they did a stupid horrible bad person thing. Those criminals would have hurt someone some other way one day, this was just their time to be evil.

Most people are super cool about it all. Ignore the loud outliers while at the same time just simply tell them "no" as needed.


Rising Sun Member
Aug 24, 2005
Denver, CO
I directly know one person who has died, another who died and was the child of mom's friend, one friend's father still in ICU, many sick who were tested positive and now recovered. Several other highly likely had it and recovered, including possibly both people in the other half of the duplex I live in, girlfriend (mild symptoms including the taste loss, and me (but I was late January, got sick in NYC and if I had it like that now, would be very high on suspicion that it was not a cold or flu)

Update: Yesterday learned that my ex-brother in law's brother's in-laws, an older couple living in FL BOTH died from it last week. :cry:
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Rising Sun Member
May 5, 2015
People's Soviet Socialist Republic of California,
Update: Yesterdya learned that my ex-brother in law's brother's in-laws, an older couple living in FL BOTH died from it last week. :cry:

Man I'm sorry that really sucks.

Most people are super cool about it all. Ignore the loud outliers while at the same time just simply tell them "no" as needed.

Around here in Monterey where we have mandatory mask requirements, I'd say about 80% of people are wearing them walking around the business district and about 50% of people are wearing them walking along my street. Businesses are supposed to reject people from entering if they don't have masks.

The county health order for Monterey County says we have to wear masks that prevent our droplets from escaping my mask and getting to other people -- they've said we can't use masks with vents (N95 masks for instance) only because there's no droplet protection for others. So in other words if I want to protect myself because half the people on my block aren't wearing droplet protecting face coverings, then I need to have an N95 or similar mask underneath a cloth or similar mask. And that's exactly what I've done when I had to go pick up new eye glasses that I'd been waiting two months to receive.

We just aren't going out at all so I haven't had any personal experience with this but I've gotta wonder what someone's reaction is going to be if I ask them to get away from me because they're closer than six feet and not wearing a mask. Like... what's the right social etiquette on that?


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction


Hard Core 4+
Mar 8, 2006
Trapped in a corn field
The N95 masks with vents are for construction workers, like me. I used to wear them almost daily, but now can't get them anymore so I'm just breathing silica dust, (so I'll probably die sooner because my lungs are compromised from it... doh! :rolleyes:) There are N95 masks without the vents, that are used by healthcare workers.

Anything over your face to limit the flying spit is better than nothing. (y)


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
The N95 masks with vents are for construction workers, like me. I used to wear them almost daily, but now can't get them anymore so I'm just breathing silica dust, (so I'll probably die sooner because my lungs are compromised from it... doh! :rolleyes:)
All the panic buying has also cleaned out particulate + organic vapor pancake cartridges that I try to wear welding. Sure hope they don't end up in the trash in 2 years when they expire sitting in someone's kitchen drawers.


Rising Sun Member
May 5, 2015
People's Soviet Socialist Republic of California,
We keep a very small stock of N95 masks for wildfire smoke. What I was able to get the last cycle of wildfires was the N95 masks with the vent. I don't think I've ever seen an N95 mask in person without the vent. Two years ago the Camp Fire (burned Paradise, CA) smoke was so bad that we couldn't easily breath outside without wearing masks. Visibility was less than a half mile here in Monterey from that mess. Ever since I've kept a couple N95s in an open box for when we get wildfire smoke.

Here's what my state health department is saying:

And here's what the CDC is saying:

And here's an entertaining infographic I saw on Reddit the other day:



Hard Core 4+
Apr 20, 2015
Has anyone heard anything about flying? My work has been pressuring me to go-to Monterrey, Mexico for a job but I still do not feel comfortable with going.

The owner said I don't have to go until I'm comfortable. I suspect that might change as time rolls on.

I just drove to Phoenix for an emergency job which turned out to be a .59 cent roll pin broken! 😡


Rising Sun Member
Oct 11, 2018
Morrison, CO
The N95 masks with vents are for construction workers, like me. I used to wear them almost daily, but now can't get them anymore so I'm just breathing silica dust, (so I'll probably die sooner because my lungs are compromised from it... doh! :rolleyes:) There are N95 masks without the vents, that are used by healthcare workers.

Anything over your face to limit the flying spit is better than nothing. (y)
I have one N95 for you if you want it. It's a construction style cloth one. No vent/filter. I got one box from Home Depot in January (yes, January) when I was being considered "irrational." If everyone just got one box as the situation was unfolding versus waiting until the government told them to and hording then there would be no shortages. I've ended up giving away more than I've kept for myself.



Rising Sun Member
Sep 14, 2012
Denver, CO
Has anyone heard anything about flying? My work has been pressuring me to go-to Monterrey, Mexico for a job but I still do not feel comfortable with going.

The owner said I don't have to go until I'm comfortable. I suspect that might change as time rolls on.

I just drove to Phoenix for an emergency job which turned out to be a .59 cent roll pin broken! 😡

In my opinion, there likely isn’t a better time to fly if you must and if you’re taking the right precautions. Actual occupied seats have dropped by about 95%, and the few people traveling are usually only people who MUST travel. You know those people will most likely be educated and healthy, and the airports and airplanes have literally never been cleaner or emptier. Regardless of the actual risks, the social risks of being caught traveling for pleasure right now are great enough to keep the density on airplanes at all time low.

Just keep in mind if you fly Frontier, you will have to pay an additional $39 to guarantee the seat next to you is empty. Even if the plane is 95% empty if you don’t pay the fee, you know they’re going put right next to someone 😂


Hard Core 4+
Apr 20, 2015
In my opinion, there likely isn’t a better time to fly if you must and if you’re taking the right precautions. Actual occupied seats have dropped by about 95%, and the few people traveling are usually only people who MUST travel. You know those people will most likely be educated and healthy, and the airports and airplanes have literally never been cleaner or emptier. Regardless of the actual risks, the social risks of being caught traveling for pleasure right now are great enough to keep the density on airplanes at all time low.

Just keep in mind if you fly Frontier, you will have to pay an additional $39 to guarantee the seat next to you is empty. Even if the plane is 95% empty if you don’t pay the fee, you know they’re going put right next to someone 😂
Wow frontier sucks.

I always fly United. Have to bank those miles!

I guess I should rephrase this and say I'm more worried about Mexico.


Rising Sun Member
Aug 9, 2010
West Denver
My family’s update, last time I mentioned that our son in law tested positive for COVID 19. Well he has since then passed it on to his 8 month pregnant wife and his 16 and 18 year old sons. Him and his two sons all ended up in the hospital, but were all released same day. He did not practice quarantine like he should have and that is why he passed it on to the rest of the family. He is in the medical field and didn’t follow the rules. This is also the same person who was installing heavy garage shelves in his garage days after a 2nd hernia surgery after the first one was defective. And they have 5 others in their house including a 2 month old baby. What scares me about this is when you hear about a family getting this and half the family dies, and this man is a doctor. Food for thought. Rant over


Rising Sun Member
May 5, 2015
People's Soviet Socialist Republic of California,
My family’s update,

I'm sorry, Dan. That must be very frustrating and scary. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Has anyone heard anything about flying?

FWIW, I still see the occasional plane go in and out of our regional commercial airport here in Monterey, CA (wrong Monterrey for you 😂). So planes *are* still flying. My work is still on full stop movement orders until the end of June now although they're now granting exceptions in certain circumstances but not for routine work. Even once things resume, I don't expect to be allowed onto the normal facilities I would go to so there likely will be no travel in my future for a while.

I have one N95 for you if you want it.

Thanks for the offer! We go out so very rarely (once every few weeks at the most) that it's not worth the shipping to mail it to California. I can wear the N95 with the vent underneath a bandana and meet requirements here so that's what I'll do the next time there's a reason to go beyond our front yard. The next reason that we would have to leave is if they ease our lockdown up more.

We are entering into phase 2 where some things are reopening like golf courses (with distancing restrictions, no carts allowed, must carry your own clubs, no clubhouse), county parks (one way only trails, tables/benches/pavilions/bathrooms closed, etc), sporting goods stores (pickup only), fabric shops (max 10 people inside including employees at a time plus distancing requirements, etc), and a few other things like that. The county health department is going to see how things go the next couple weeks before making any decisions on going to phase 3. They could revert to phase 1 or go even harder if there's a big spike though.

The thing that the county health officials seem the most afraid of is a bunch of people from out of the area coming to our beaches and bringing new cases to town. The current rules locally are that you cannot stop moving on a beach. It's to prevent people from congregating for a BBQ or a game of volleyball or things like that. In other words, locals are free to run or walk the beach, go swimming, stuff like that. But they're trying to dissuade out of towners from overwhelming us. There have been a couple of individual beach closures when people don't follow the rules and start setting up big parties but so far those closures will last a weekend and then they'll quietly reopen it the next week. Sounds like they're also handing out tickets now rather than just warning people.


Rising Sun Member
Oct 11, 2018
Morrison, CO
@DouglasVB I was actually talking to the construction worker guy. IMO silicosis of the lung is far worse than COVID especially for the average person.

I was reading your earlier thread and it seems like you may be taking it too far. The recent studies say that above 70F and in sunlight it doesn't stick around for very long at all. So if you're walking around outside in sunny weather it really isn't necessary. Sure you can split hairs but I feel it's unnecessary to wear them except indoors. And if you are out double-bagged so to speak and someone comes closer than 6ft I'd say you are fine. The 6ft thing came from when I he CDC was telling people masks didn't do anything and were pointless. 6ft + masks is overkill. Sometimes it's ok to be overkill but sometimes it gets in the way.

It's May now. It's been almost 60 days since the "15 Days to Slow the Spread." It's been slowed. The curve has been flattened. The hospitals are stocked up and we have a litany of ways to combat the virus from pharmaceuticals to good old tonic water and vitamin C and zinc. It's time to get back to normal not double down.

All just my opinion, of course.

covid19 UV disinfect.png


Hard Core 4+
Mar 8, 2006
Trapped in a corn field
I have one N95 for you if you want it. It's a construction style cloth one. No vent/filter. I got one box from Home Depot in January (yes, January) when I was being considered "irrational." If everyone just got one box as the situation was unfolding versus waiting until the government told them to and hording then there would be no shortages. I've ended up giving away more than I've kept for myself.

Thanks for the offer, very kind of you, but please use them for you and yours! :)


Rising Sun Member
Aug 13, 2018
Englewood, CO
I know some of you saw this on my business' FB page, but I'll share here direct as well. I was contacted by a surgical nurse at Denver Health (at first I thought it was UC Health) who asked if I could 3D print N95 masks, as they are rationing them, they only get 1 per day when they are supposed to use a fresh mask between each patient. I tried the design she sent me the link to and it was a horrible design, didn't work at all. I iterated in Solidworks most of that week with that approach, but it needed too much post-printing assembly. Then my nephew sent me a link to a different design that worked great, and I have been making them ever since. Turns out the Jeffco sheriffs are interested as well. I am making them in two sizes, 100% seems to work well for larger faces, and 90% mainly for women. They use a disposable filter material which is as close to N95 as you can get without actually having it certified by NIOSH. Since they're plastic, they can be sanitized and reused over and over. The user has to provide their own straps. I couldn't find any elastic anywhere (Walmart, Michaels, Hobby Lobby are all sold out, and Amazon was a month lead time). You can use shoelaces or similar though.

So far I have made about 100 masks and have been making them non stop for over a week now. I had 6 machines building them, but one is broken now and needs repair. I am donating them at no cost to the hospital. I am also purchasing the filters and donating them as well.

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Jeff! Good man! That’s awesome. After we last spoke I have been meaning to send you this link. The guy who hosts this channel hasn’t been very active on YouTube lately outside of this Covid related video but I’m a fan of his channel and his only content is a wealth for anyone interested in DIY/3D printing/PGP (pretty good privacy)/encryption/drones etc etc etc. Please watch the video ;) and enjoy!
@DaveInDenver I think you in particular may dig this guys content!
