What is your dog doing right now?


Cruise Moab Committee
Cruise Moab Committee
Aug 31, 2021

We are having a very lazy Saturday morning in the Jordan household…


Hard Core 4+
Jul 10, 2013
Broomfield, CO
@Brucker what kind of aggression? Is the puppy going after the older dog or is it one way?

I have only posted the fun photos but there have been some tense moments between these two here. It baffles me that they have zero food aggression and will share bowls randomly.

There have been some arguments over space and toys. At first Macallan was not allowed in any dog beds. Now he is with a "dont chew on my face" restriction.

To me this is a normal interaction where the puppy is learning the house rules, which the older dog gets to set. We have about 10 of these a day over various rules Macallan has broken. Dont chew on me, dont bother me when im sleeping, thats my toy, ect.

Talisker likes to remind the new guy that when he wants the antler it is his, and not for sharing. Its part of them establishing a pack order. You can see him keeping his distance and acting super submissive as they get closer. Talisker has been around quite a few other puppies and I trust him to bark and not bite. Different with every dog. Neither of these guys are neutered which makes it a bit more important for them to establish the rules early. Talisker has quite a few male dog friends in our previous and current neighborhoods that are also intact males. We have never had aggression problems other than some chest beating. I attribute that to lots of early exposure.

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Now we are slowly getting better. As long as these interactions are supervised I think they are productive. Puppies do not know how to communicate well and it frustrates older dogs. Add that on top of a suddenly shared space and it is normal to get some tension. Imagine getting a new surprise roommate who does not speak english, has ADD, no manners, and generally acts like he just smoked some crack.

I am not a dog trainer. Just my observations introducing lots of puppies over the years. Between our dogs and my parents I have watched the new puppy process for around 30 years now.
Thank you for sharing! Very grateful for any insight, even if it's not from a "professional". I just reached out to my couisn as it'sa handy resource to have. And the trainer we are working with Pepper is over booked already. FYI your point about "roommates" is spot on. The issue is with the older, established dog, Pepper. She has not had much exposure and is very reactive to animals and vehicles. While on a leash or while behind a border (window, fence, etc). We have been working with her (and with a trainer) to get this behavior calmed a bit. It's gotten better, but still isn't great. She was a resuce so not much info on her before us.

I fully understand this is all my fault. I brought a new dog in before Pepper was completely ready (not sure she ever will be). I have been really missing my old hound thst passed away last year. Finally found one that I fell in love with again. But the timing just wasnt good.

We do have a solid plan in place and it will take a lot of patience and time. I am hopeful as we aren't quitters and love challenges. And we have some good resources to help. I am newish to the puppy game (only had one other puppy in my life), and am happily soaking up all the info I can. Thank you all again for your words of wisdom. They are not lost on me, even if I do not directly respond to them.

Puppy pick of the day to keep thread on track:


Hard Core 4+
Jul 10, 2013
Broomfield, CO
Daaaad, I am the gooderest boy. I mean just look at me! :love:
Lol, Was just begging for Pepper to stop barking at him. His temperament is awesome. At most he whines while Pepper is trying to calm herself. Then once ignored, he just lays down and sleeps or chews on something.

It is taking less and less time for Pepper to calm down once the puppy is brought into his pen. But she is still irate at first, and then any movement or sound that comes from the puppy sets her off again.

Trying to get this coming week figured out as my wife will be gone for 3 days for work. Being a single guardian for these two and getting any work done is going to be interesting. Maybe my clients will just want to play with puppy???

Pepper wore herself out and is getting a much needed rest away from the puppy. She is passed out on her bed in our bedroom.



Rising Sun Member
Sep 2, 2019
Precious girl.

Totally feel you man. Ended up being a single dog dad over a year ago. Been at the shop 13 days straight as of today, with no day off in sight for at least another week. Take the boys with me, but feel bad for them. I am very much "pets are not a piece of furniture" kind of human and try to give them as much attention as I can.


Hard Core 4+
Jul 10, 2013
Broomfield, CO
Little guy tuckered himself out. He is already seeking me out to cuddle him when he gets tired. I forgot just how affectionate and loving hounds can be. Also how stubborn... Really need this to work out as I am in love...



Hard Core 4+
Jul 10, 2013
Broomfield, CO
Another day riding the struggle bus. Jumping between the house and the shop with Pepper at the house and Leroy at the shop. The previous owners of our property left a large (14'x8') chainlink animal pen that was pretty much in disrepair. So I finally found a use for it. I fixed it enough to be safe and secure for Leroy. And then cleared a space for it in the shop in front of a shop door. Not the best solution, but safe and secure enough for me to get some things accomplished.

Speaking of puppy. I am leaning towards the name Leroy and have been trying it out. My wife isn't completely sold on it yet. Thoughts?

Puppy photo of the day to keep thread on track. Just look at the size of those legs and paws! Going to be a big boy:



Rising Sun Member
May 30, 2021


Hard Core 4+
Jul 10, 2013
Broomfield, CO
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RS Moderator
Staff member
Jan 8, 2009
I will get pictures next time, but I found out today that a Labrador/Great Dane mix has the same attention span as a middle school student. There is a middle school close to where I live. 35 acres of fences=d in area. When school is not in session, there is a group of people that will take their dogs of there to run and play. Riley is one of them. Went today after an epic day of skiing. There was a middle school cross country team practice there. The entire team wanted to pet Riley and Riley of course said yes. The practice stopped for about ten minutes. Nither the middle school cross country team or the dog listened to the people in charge. But I will admit, in 95% of situations of a dog came into my presence, mist other activities would stop.


Rising Sun Member
Sep 2, 2019
Must have been a day for such things James. I took the boys a new way to the complex next door today. Suzie's CBD Treats is in said complex. They said they were done for the day, which was good because production would have come to a screeching halt. Went and got everyone in the office, Bento just ended up being led around by some stranger. Tons of pets and they scored two freebie bags of treats. They even did halfway decent "bang" tricks to show off! Also no pictures, but they were explicitly invited back. So next time!