Prepping for COVID-19 society shutdown


Rising Sun Member
Jun 6, 2018
Woodland Park, CO
I bought many jugs of protein powder and more equipment for the garage gym. Heavy weights, Rage Against the Machine on blast and protein farts. See you in 2 months.


Rising Sun Member
Jan 22, 2009
Arvada, CO
I bought many jugs of protein powder and more equipment for the garage gym. Heavy weights, Rage Against the Machine on blast and protein farts. See you in 2 months.

Bro, same
full pump not about to lose the gains!



Rising Sun Member
Aug 13, 2018
Englewood, CO
I bought many jugs of protein powder and more equipment for the garage gym. Heavy weights, Rage Against the Machine on blast and protein farts. See you in 2 months.
Yeah, good idea. I’m ordering a new pull-up bar! Not so crazy about the toilet paper, but I am guilty of impulse shopping as of late, while hungry... You remember the movie “Heavyweights”? What a classic! We should buy a summer camp if they go on sale...



Rising Sun Member
Aug 13, 2018
Englewood, CO
Oh yeah, I meant to make my real prep list on here.

gasoline batteries gold silver lead
physical cash duct tape juice canned fruits and vegetables Gatorade powder
chicken soup cough syrup medications (90 day supply) crack lighters-I read a while back that they were used as currency when things got ugly. Makes sense to me... here’s the article!

What do you guys say? I’ve got to be overlooking some important stuff.


Rising Sun Member
Jun 6, 2018
Woodland Park, CO
I've also found myself thinking... if I were to be any character in an apocalyptic film or series, which one would I be? I think I'm going to go with the Governor in TWD.
Oh yeah, I meant to make my real prep list on here.

gasoline batteries gold silver lead
physical cash duct tape juice canned fruits and vegetables Gatorade powder
chicken soup cough syrup medications (90 day supply) crack lighters-I read a while back that they were used as currency when things got ugly. Makes sense to me... here’s the article!

What do you guys say? I’ve got to be overlooking some important stuff.
No booze. No bullets. No guns.


Rising Sun Member
Aug 13, 2018
Englewood, CO
I've also found myself thinking... if I were to be any character in an apocalyptic film or series, which one would I be? I think I'm going to go with the Governor in TWD.

No booze. No bullets. No guns.
That’s why lead is the other precious metal!


Rising Sun Member
Aug 24, 2005
Kittredge CO, USA
When I was a kid we had a parody alternate lyric to the lyrics of the popular TV show that aired during the 1960s, Branded.

"Stranded. On the toilet seat
To prove you're a man you must wipe it with your hand...


Club Treasurer
Staff member
Cruise Moab Committee
Jul 4, 2008
Evergreen, CO
Oh yeah, I meant to make my real prep list on here.

gasoline batteries gold silver lead ...

I figured you would land in precious metals. Seems like the logical move. :)


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." -- Rahm Emanuel

So while you're out fighting your neighbors over that last roll of TP and box of Pop Tarts, this is happening.

The EARN IT Act is being discussed in Congress.

What this is attempting is to go end-around and make end-to-end encryption (such as the Signal app @Mendocino) illegal. IOW, the FBI wants to be able to access any data it wishes. Of course there's an emotional justification (it's for the kids!). Apparently WhatsApp (which utilizes encryption) is used to trade child pr0n.

The obvious problem here is it violates the 1st, 4th and 5th Amendments and generally your freedom to say and do things privately if you wish. But another main practical consequence of forcing every technology utilizing encryption to have a back door for the FBI is that it makes it orders easier for hackers to exploit, too. You think fraud and theft in the banking system is bad now.

EFF's Elliot Harmon warned on 1/31/2020 right around when the bill was unveiled...

"There’s a new and serious threat to both free speech and security online. Under a draft bill that Bloomberg recently leaked, the Attorney General could unilaterally dictate how online platforms and services must operate. If those companies don’t follow the Attorney General’s rules, they could be on the hook for millions of dollars in civil damages and even state criminal penalties.

The bill, known as the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) Act, grants sweeping powers to the Executive Branch. It opens the door for the government to require new measures to screen users’ speech and even backdoors to read your private communications—a stated goal of one of the bill’s authors."

They already passed a similar law in Australia about a year ago.
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Rising Sun Member
Oct 29, 2012
ATC HQ - Nederland, Colo.
Of course there's an emotional justification (it's for the kids!). Apparently WhatsApp (which utilizes encryption) is used to trade child pr0n.

In 2003, I created the first Cyber Crimes LE Unit in Missouri by 2006 I created the Western Missouri
Cyber Crimes Task Force (WMCCTF) made up of Local, County, State and Federal Officers/Agents, the Metro Cyber Crimes Information Group (MC2IG), the Regional Cyber Crimes Forensic Laboratory (FBI RCFL), testified before state /federal governmental bodies to create new cyber crime laws, retired in 2012.
During those early years there was countless cries for LE either to do more or do less due to people’s uninformed perceptions of how those investigations were conducted.

This is not an emotional response.

The reality is criminals due use such systems. The viewing of child porn is a crime, both state and federal, There was/is a REAL child victim. Every time the image of a exploited or raped child is viewed it revictimizes the child. These images are forever....they never go away, so as the child becomes an adult they are still there. Trust me, there is so much CP trafficking, Human trafficking going on that no LE in the US can deal with it and everyday people encrypting their work product, fantasy football picks, etc doesn’t even cross their mind. The most disturbing reality is if you run the image tracking software for a state you can no longer see the shape of state due to the number of image downloads within that state.

There is no 1st amendment right to the production, distribution of child porn. The tracking of known child porn images on the internet is not protected by the 4th amendment, you post or trade it on-line and LE finds it or tracks it on the public web, that’s not an illegal search and seizure. As for encryption, nothing changes regarding the 4th amendment, conscent, search warrant or extigent circumstances would still apply. Not sure what the 5th Amendment has to do with it.

I remember our first encrypted human trafficking case involving a father selling his 4 year old daughter on-line to an adult male who would travel to rape the girl and others could sign in and pay to watch. We spent over 72 hours non-stop, got countless search warrants in multiple ISP jurisdictions, worked with a number providers that wouldn’t unencrypted their software due to the fathers rights of privacy. Only through the hard work, ethical work, constitutional work of those detectives did they find the location where the girl was held and rescued her just minutes before the rape went live.

In no way am I saying that anyone’s, including the child rapists constitutional rights should be violated yet, there is a greater society need to allow for such, court approved and ordered access to these encrypted devices/systems.
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Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
This is not an emotional response.
Then you go on to invoke several emotional arguments.
There was/is a REAL child victim. Every time the image of a exploited or raped child is viewed it revictimizes the child. These images are forever....they never go away, so as the child becomes an adult they are still there.

I remember our first encrypted human trafficking case involving a father selling his 4 year old daughter on-line to an adult male who would travel to rape the girl and others could sign in and pay to watch. We spent over 72 hours non-stop, got countless search warrants in multiple ISP jurisdictions, worked with a number providers that wouldn’t unencrypted their software due to the fathers rights of privacy. Only through the hard work, ethical work, constitutional work of those detectives did they find the location where the girl was held and rescued her just minutes before the rape went live.

In no way am I saying that anyone’s, including the child rapists constitutional rights should be violated yet, there is a greater society need to allow for such, court approved and ordered access to these encrypted devices/systems.

everyday people encrypting their work product, fantasy football picks, etc doesn’t even cross their mind.
Corporate espionage and financial security are serious issues to every one, every day. Hackers salivate at the possibility of building in publicly known backdoors like this. Others who benefit from end-to-end encryption are political dissidents and journalists who report on them. Everyday people benefit from using E2E encryption so that Facebook, Google, Apple, et al can't deep dive through your data.

Beneficial technology can always be used criminally so violating it can't justify societal violations. Crimes are committed with guns, in cars, using two-way radios and using unencrypted email but we (generally) don't see the usefulness as worthy of giving up because of it. Giving the governments unfettered electronic communication access is like the fox watching the henhouse. There's also the pragmatic argument. What's to stop a criminal trading child pr0n from breaking one additional law?

Riana Pfefferkorn has written several posts about the EARN IT Act last week. I'm not a Constitutional expert so I'll just post a link to her Due Process blog post to 5th Amendment (and she mentions the 14th as well) issues.
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Rising Sun Member
Oct 29, 2012
ATC HQ - Nederland, Colo.
I understand......the hypocrisy is clear and these discussion never find common ground.

Be safe.

Then you go on to invoke several emotional arguments.

Corporate espionage and financial security are serious issues to every one, every day. Hackers salivate at the possibility of building in publicly known backdoors like this. Others who benefit from end-to-end encryption are political dissidents and journalists who report on them. Everyday people benefit from using E2E encryption so that Facebook, Google, Apple, et al can't deep dive through your data.

Beneficial technology can always be used criminally so violating it can't justify societal violations. Crimes are committed with guns, in cars, using two-way radios and using unencrypted email but we (generally) don't see the usefulness as worthy of giving up because of it. Giving the governments unfettered electronic communication access is like the fox watching the henhouse. There's also the pragmatic argument. What's to stop a criminal trading child pr0n from breaking one additional law?

Riana Pfefferkorn has written several posts about the EARN IT Act last week. I'm not a Constitutional expert so I'll just post a link to her Due Process blog post to 5th Amendment (and she mentions the 14th as well) issues.


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
I understand......the hypocrisy is clear and these discussion never find common ground.
I never claimed not to be emotionally nor professionally invested in the topic. The debate arguments can't be only analytical, we're talking about social science and human action. So being a philosophical disagreement a couple of posts and links is insignificant to the fundamental questions about what ends justify what means. But laws like EARN IT have intended and unintended consequences. It's impossible to a genie back in a bottle once released, individual rational against social change.
Indeed, be well and safe.
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Rising Sun Member
Dec 4, 2017
The item that I find concerning about bills that adjust encryption requirements is this, anyone posting CP isn't concerned about laws. So these people will continue to use encryption even if it is illegal. Now the encryption that is used by those producing CP will be made by a foreign company that will tell law enforcement to take a hike when they come for help. Legislation to circumvent encryption won't end encryption, but instead force it's production outside of the US. How will that help?


Rising Sun Member
Oct 29, 2012
ATC HQ - Nederland, Colo.
The item that I find concerning about bills that adjust encryption requirements is this, anyone posting CP isn't concerned about laws. So these people will continue to use encryption even if it is illegal. Now the encryption that is used by those producing CP will be made by a foreign company that will tell law enforcement to take a hike when they come for help. Legislation to circumvent encryption won't end encryption, but instead force it's production outside of the US. How will that help?

Maybe I’m confused but, it isn’t an issue of making encryption illegal, it’s an issue of US Court authorized accessibility through the encryption based on probable cause/search warrant and/or the separate concern of Hackers compromising whats beyond the encryption.

As for foreign actors and encryption, those countries and their LEO agencies operate by different rules and laws and can’t really be compared to the US and the constitutional protections we have. Working with/through some of these agencies is a bit amazing, shocking, appreciative and scary when compared to our system.


Rising Sun Member
Dec 4, 2017
Maybe I’m confused but, it isn’t an issue of making encryption illegal, it’s an issue of US Court authorized accessibility through the encryption based on probable cause/search warrant and/or the separate concern of Hackers compromising whats beyond the encryption.

As for foreign actors and encryption, those countries and their LEO agencies operate by different rules and laws and can’t really be compared to the US and the constitutional protections we have. Working with/through some of these agencies is a bit amazing, shocking, appreciative and scary when compared to our system.

Encryption isn't encryption if it has built in back doors. Then it is just more secure information transfer methods. It is like having a safe with a hole in the back of the safe. The web has no national boundaries. It is just information. If back doors are put in US encryption, I don't know where people will turn to for encryption, but I believe that we can agree they will go outside of our national borders for superior tech.

One tidbit I have always found interesting- There are confirmed hacks into government servers where foreign nationals have been downloading massive numbers of encrypted files. The belief is that they are doing this for when encryption cracking tech gets good enough that they can un encode it. Quantum computing will change how encryption is handled in very interesting ways.