Hi Guest: The next RS meeting will be Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held indoors at the fabulous Golden Gate Canyon Grange. Click here for directions. We'll be talking ColoYota Expo and Cruise Moab.

    ⦿ If you are eligible for club membership, please fill out an application in advance of the meeting and bring it with you.

July 18, 2009 Wheelers For The Wounded Main Event


Hard Core 4+
Aug 24, 2005
Littleton CO
Though there was a paucity of vets to haul up the mountain, the main goal of this year's meet was to demonstrate the support and enthusiasm for the event among the wheeling community.

We did that in spades. Builds credibility for next year!
Nov 21, 2006
Aurora CO
Thank you all

Thank you to everyone who supported or attended this event.

The following is an email from Eric:

Wheelers for the Wounded Folk,

I wanted to take a few moments and thank all of you for making this day special. For the last 18 months I have been cautiously optimistic and have been humbled by the support each of you have shown. We started with a simple plan to get together and make a trail run to show our support, but our plans slowly expanded and eventually blossomed into July 18, 2009, and instead of a dozen of us getting together for an afternoon, we formed a coalition of four-wheel drive clubs from all over the state that coordinated a spectacular day on 4 beautiful trails with 50 rigs and 60+ participants! I can’t thank you enough and my mind is now spinning with future possibilities.

In that vein, if you have photos or comments you would like to share, I would like to start collecting them so we can start promoting next year’s event(s). Feel free to email or post, and send me the links to material you are willing to share.

I also wanted to take some time to thank a few folks in particular. These individuals are the core of this effort and without them none of this would have come to fruition:

Brian C for participating in our charity wrenching events and donating his time (his only day off during the week) and his expertise to work on rigs.

Don G, for making substantial donations to fund this event and for his blood and sweat during several of the charity events. Next time you better get the day off!!

Doug H for the masterful grill work in, keeping us all smiling during adversity and taking the time to help plan the awesome BBQ menu. Have a cigarette on me… NO, NO! Don’t do it!!

Gary G for being our local expert in the BV area, helping us coordinate the trail runs, and helping me work out many of the details to keep this event on track and safe for everyone.

Jim A for working on tracking down wounded veterans, contacting the VA, DAV, MedHold, American Legion, Easter Seals, and so many others I’ve lost track, getting 300+ fliers distributed in Denver, Colorado Springs and other locals along the front range, helping us collect supplies from all over and to the event, and for keeping us on track, focused and motivated.

Jock T for helping me keep my sanity, showing up at every event and helping out wherever he could, designing the Colorado WFTW commemorative sticker, and taking up the role of treasurer for our organization.

Kevin and Susan G for getting us connected with many of the folks down south that we had never met before and really made this event a success.

Layton B for supplying the tow rig, trailer, and making the drive all over the front range and up to BV and back with all that in tow, working as a liaison with the BLM and USFS and facilitating the Letter of Agreement for the land use, donating a large portion of our food stuffs and manning the staging area and food tent during the event.

Matt G for the use of his home and garage facilities for our first charity event in 2008, for his support for this event from Day One and for his service to our country. We missed you Matt, but saved some brats for ya!

Molly H for coordinating our charity events in Parker, Longmont and Colorado Springs, coordinating the schlepping of all our gear and food to BV, and manning the staging area and food tent during the event. Truly, without Molly, this event would not have happened ;)

Scott R and Big Horn Graphics for donating the Colorado WFTW commemorative stickers.

Troy G for volunteering the resources of CoTTORA to support this event, supplying the location, tools and experience for many of our charity events, not to mention hours and hours of mechanical advice, experience and plain old labor to get rigs ready to participate.

Sean Y for his overall support, and helping with his mechanical and welding experience at our charity events.

Shane W and the staff at Peterson AFB’s Auto Skills Center who graciously hosted our last charity event and allowed us to use their facility, tools and expertise to work on a number of projects, the proceeds from which made all the difference.

Members of CoTTORA, Colorado4Wheelers, Colorado4x4, Front Range 4x4Blanca4x4 and Rising Sun, each of whom took the time and effort to support this event during its development, and especially on July 18th by showing their support in person.

We also had support from a number of agents, supporters and sponsors:

Bill Burke’s 4-wheeling America for his kind words as we ramped up this event and the donation of several items that went to our participants.

Boulder Sausage for donating a portion of the food served at the BBQ.

The Buena Vista Chamber of Commerce for helping us get in touch with many of the local folks who helped put this all together.

Expedition One for the donation of a number of discount coupons that went to our participants

Joseph Kreiss and KVRH radio in Salida for getting us on the radio and joining us at the event to document our success.

Linda S and Tambi G with BLM and USFS, respectively, who were very helpful and accommodating while making sure we complied with the regulatory needs of those agencies.

Scott M and Unlimited Sanitary for supplying our septic closets at a great price, along with great set-up and tear-down service.

ToyTec Lifts for the donation of several items that went to our participants.

WabFab Off-Road and the Wabbit for their donation and support.

Tommy Knockers supplied all of the awesome root beer, chips and other food for our event thanks to Eric G!

Thanks again to everyone who participated, and looking forward to next year!

Eric Ross

Denver, CO


