Concealed Carry classes?


Rising Sun Member
Jan 14, 2016
I took one of those almost free courses a few years ago. Worthless. I mean it gets you a CCW, the piece of paper that is. However it isn't training.
Bristlecone in Green Mountain is the best course I've taken and they actually spend real time with you in the range giving pointers.


Rising Sun Member
Apr 24, 2013
I'll never understand the need for some people to be so obsessed with owning firearms. :unsure: Since when do we need to be able to kill someone at the drop of a hat? To say nothing of the wholesale genocidal slaughter of innocent animals for "sport". It's disgusting masculinity at it's worst.
( This is satire, calm down)
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RS Moderator
Staff member
Aug 22, 2005
Centennial, Colorado
I have a concealed permit and I only have a gun when I am going camping in the backcountry for days. I keep it locked in a gun safe. I do my hunting at the King Soopers Meat counter :)

I don't like the idea of a shooting and wheeling run. I would be concerned about a bunch of guns for various reasons:
1) Leaving shells behind
2) Damage and risk of injury or worse yet accidently killing someone
3) Someone complaining about a bunch of yahoos shooting it up on the trail would not help our case for Tread Lightly or Land Use in keeping trails open
4) It can be a divisive force as we are a Toyota club not a gun club. Anyone can bring a Toyota along and be part of the fun.
5) We are a family club, guns do not go with kids in the wheeling environment were you don't expect it

Guns and gun ownership can be a divisive topic and one that the bylaws were updated to avoid this for a reason. As far as I am concerned, the bylaws do not allow for this.


RS Moderator
Staff member
Aug 22, 2005
Centennial, Colorado
sorry, I am as guilty as others from derailing this thread. Lets get back on the topic of classes.


Rising Sun Member
Jan 3, 2019
Littleton, CO
I'll never understand the need for some people to be so obsessed with owning firearms. :unsure: Since when do we need to be able to kill someone at the drop of a hat? To say nothing of the wholesale genocidal slaughter of innocent animals for "sport". It's disgusting masculinity at it's worst.
Wholesale genocidal slaughter of innocent animals for sport? - lol… what?


Hard Core 4+
Aug 23, 2005
windy wyo
I'll never understand the need for some people to be so obsessed with owning firearms. :unsure: Since when do we need to be able to kill someone at the drop of a hat? To say nothing of the wholesale genocidal slaughter of innocent animals for "sport". It's disgusting masculinity at it's worst.
guns aren't for killing people. i own many and none have killed a person and hopefully never will. but why own a first aid kit when you rarely ever use it? better to be prepared. they also can be very fun and are a good tool to teach concentration and patience.

as for killing animals, i have a huge coyote problem. they are killing folks livestock and pets. they are bold and there are too many and they need to be weeded out.

i don't trophy hunt and i don't know anyone who does (i actually don't hunt), but i enjoy the spoils of others hunts and i know many who do hunt. i trust the meat harvested hunting a lot more than the crap you buy at the king soopers meat counter.

as for the classes, ask @Snowrun. he used to teach and keeps a good pulse on what's going on and can refer a place that is best suited


Club Secretary
Staff member
Aug 23, 2005
north side
Just remember there are "club runs" where the bylaws are generally followed, and then there are "doing things with friends" where it's not a club run. Nothing wrong with making friends here. Also nothing necessarily wrong with meeting them to go on brewery tours, concerts, sporting events, visit a weed farm, attending a Burning Man event, blowing stuff up in desert, or receiving CCW training, or CPR training for that matter... but none of that is a club run.

Where you're going to push the lines is when you use the forum here to set these other events up, and potentially confuse others that the club sponsors or endorses this alternative behavior. I have a feeling in the future we'll need to make it more clear what actually is a club run, for insurance reasons perhaps, then all other activitites are then just getting together with like minded friends. Or if you're putting together a posse to attend the GABF, for example, you could also state it's "not a club run" just further clarify.

And when you step over the line is to show up on a "club run," then whip out a gun, or ask the trail leader if it's cool we all smoke a joint at lunch... don't put me in that position. Read the bylaws again with the idea that not every interaction among the community here is a club run, and I think it will sound differently.

KC Masterpiece

Hard Core 4+
May 4, 2019
Did not realize I was poking a sleeping bear with this issue. Yikes.

It makes perfect sense to me that the club would have some language regarding this in the bylaws. We all have other overlapping interests but I do understand it's a toyota 4wd club, not a go shoot in the woods club.


Rising Sun Member
Apr 24, 2013
My previous post was satire. I’m 100% pro 2-A.
I probably pack more heat than most folks.

I absolutely encourage club members to take their own personal safety seriously. Get a hand gun. GET TRAINED. Carry it proudly.
I’d also encourage my fellow wheelers to get a high quality semi-auto rifle for self defense and train with it as well. Sometimes you need a little more than what a handgun allows for.

I’m totally for hunting. I know we have a lot of hunters in this club, and that’s fantastic. Hunters do more for game and habitat conservation than any bleeding heart left wing animal rights groups.

I’m glad our club is not a gun club. As many of you may know, gun clubs attract unsavory persons from time to time. And the shooting community at large can be a very irresponsible group at times. I’d like to offer the Harris Park shooting area as a prime example of that moronic tendency.
I really appreciate the fact that our club encompasses such a wide variety of folks from different backgrounds. Not all of us see guns the same way but we’re all respectful of each other and the ways we choose to live our lives. And I feel our group has a much higher respect for the outdoors and preserving mother nature’s beauty.

I know some of us always have a firearm with us on club runs, my self included, and that always makes me feel better. But I appreciate that we’re not always pulling them out and waving them around. There have been a few tense moments over the years out on the trails when confronted by egotistical drivers who give zero f**ks and are jonesing for a fight. And luckily we’ve never had to get violent to defend our selves. But the ability to do so should always be available, even as a last resort. But that sort of thing should never be taken lightly.

Carry on, my friends!
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Rising Sun Member
Jan 3, 2019
Littleton, CO
My previous post was satire. I’m 100% pro 2-A.
I probably pack more heat than most folks.

I absolutely encourage club members to take their own personal safety seriously. Get a hand gun. GET TRAINED. Carry it proudly.
I’d also encourage my fellow wheelers to get a high quality semi-auto rifle for self defense and train with it as well. Sometimes you need a little more than what a handgun allows for.

I’m totally for hunting. I know we have a lot of hunters in this club, and that’s fantastic. Hunters do more for game and habitat conservation than any bleeding heart left wing animal rights groups.

I’m glad our club is not a gun club. As many of you may know, gun clubs attract unsavory persons from time to time. And the shooting community at large can be a very irresponsible group at times. I’d like to offer the Harris Park shooting area as a prime example of that moronic tendency.
I really appreciate the fact that our club encompasses such a wide variety of folks from different backgrounds. Not all of us see guns the same way but we’re all respectful of each other and the ways we choose to live our lives. And I feel our group has a much higher respect for the outdoors and preserving mother nature’s beauty.

I know some of us always have a firearm with us on club runs, my self included, and that always makes me feel better. But I appreciate that we’re not always pulling them out and waving them around. There have been a few tense moments over the years out on the trails when confronted by egotistical drivers who give zero f**ks and are jonesing for a fight. And luckily we’ve never had to get violent to defend our selves. But the ability to do so should always be available, even as a last resort. But that sort of thing should never be taken lightly.

Carry on, my friends!
LOL! I thought so... but hey....


RS Webmaster
Staff member
Cruise Moab Committee
Aug 22, 2005
I'll never understand the need for some people to be so obsessed with owning firearms. :unsure: Since when do we need to be able to kill someone at the drop of a hat? To say nothing of the wholesale genocidal slaughter of innocent animals for "sport". It's disgusting masculinity at it's worst.
( This is satire, calm down)

I thought you had been hacked. :LOL:


RS Moderator
Aug 22, 2005
in da house
what's this got to do with hunting and fishing?


RS Moderator
Staff member
Aug 22, 2005
Centennial, Colorado
what's this got to do with hunting and fishing?
it was in chat and I moved it as I thought it would be better here. Happy to move it back


Rising Sun Member
Apr 24, 2013
Lucky you
I wish
She is pretty nice about it though
Says I use it perfectly
I dunno I guess 👌
Wow! Easy now! That took an unexpected turn. 🤣🤣


Rising Sun Member
Aug 24, 2005
Denver, CO


Dec 1, 2021
Bailey, CO
Well said.

This is the truth. Once one move through/outgrows the tacticool crap and really wishes to be a shooter, it's always back to the fundamentals, practice and training.

Can you solve a problem...with a bullet. I shoot weekly, my wallet hates me for it. I was training this past week and realized at further distances my grip wasn't as good as it should be. A constant level of refinement. The week before I was training with my new Sig X5 Legion and after zero, my groups were off to the right. Turns out I didn't apply as much loctite to the left screw on my RDS as I did on the right. Again, refinement. At the end of the day it's still: Stance, grip, breathing, sight alignment/picture, trigger press, follow through...

Another I'm not cool but I know someone who is cool thing. My best friend from HS, also a retired operator, his OTC instructor was Pat Mac (for those of you who know the youtubes).