How do I begin?
First and foremost,

Thank you to everyone for their support! It was because of the club, that Brandi and I were able to have such an amazing trip and fun wedding. We could not have done it without our friends.

We met up with
@Inukshuk and left Lakewood late Saturday morning, headed to Grand Junction, in caravan with Daniel in his 80, Brandi driving the OffRoadAcado and myself in my Tacoma. In GJ, we dropped the taco off and borrowed Shrek from
@jps8460 for Brandi to drive for the trip. Due to delays in the titling process, Knitty Gritty was not legal, and with some worn suspension bushings, My Tacoma was in question for the trip. Jackson was most gracious with offering to use one of his 80s since he wasn't able to attend the wedding and
@Gerty also offered us to use his truck and trailer to tow KG to Moab! We were truly humbled by these offers and extend our deepest gratitude, thank you!
With our plans to run Rim Rocker to Moab, we left GJ as 3 green 80s and made our way to meet up with
@fyffer and camp for the night. The next day we made our way to Montrose and start Rim Rocker. We passed a few hunters on their way out of trail and began our journey, progressing around 40-50 miles and camping for the night. RR was very cool with changing scenery and elevation, we encountered some slight mud on the shelf roads that kept it interesting.

We took our time and enjoyed the trail.
We rolled into Moab Monday afternoon and headed for our campsite, hoping it would be available. Our primary site choice was vacant, and we set up camp. Tuesday we pre ran our wedding trail, 3D, to scout out the chosen ceremony spot and arrange logistics. Huge thank you to
@Inukshuk and
@fyffer for helping us map out our plan to drive down the isle. A tire bead was lost as we made our way off trail but some quick team work knocked out a spare tire swap quickly. Wednesday, we ran Onion creek, as more friends had arrived and needed a light duty trail to prepare my parents for a day on the more moderately rated 3D. Thursday was the big day, some friends met me for a very lackluster breakfast at the Moab diner as the bride and her entourage went off to prepare. Everyone met up at the Mill creek dino track parking lot to air down and hit the trail. It was a very cool sight to see a group of well dressed people letting air out of tires.
@MonPetiteShoe led our group to our chosen spot, we arranged guest trucks and guests,
@allen.wrench was our most honorable officiant, and we began. (unofficial ATC plug

guests eagerly await
enter: the groom (I wanted to come in hot and skid to a stop but realized I was just going to kick up dust blowing at the crowd, so I backed way off as I rounded the shrub)
here comes the bride