Toyota Chairman says Electric Cars Will Never Dominate Global Market


Rising Sun Member
Apr 24, 2013
Good. I'm glad that someone is taking a serious look at this and realizes what most of us have known for awhile.

--He noted: "Customers — not regulations or politics — should make that decision." --

Absolutely! EV's, or any specific kind of propulsion should NEVER be mandated by governments that aren't fit to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. The EV mandates are purely politicly driven and based on bulls**t. Changes should happen organically with innovation and market demand by consumers.
Hydrogen combustion engines are most likely the way of the future along with hybrids. I feel that Hydrogen systems would be a much better and safer long term solution for commuter vehicles going into the future century. And obviously Mr. Toyoda agrees with that idea.

--"In October, Toyoda told reporters at an auto show in Japan that EVs aren't the silver bullet against the supposed ills of carbon emissions they're often made out to be."--

And I say 'good for him' for standing up and speaking the truth.

--"Toyota has a history of being at the forefront of adopting new technologies. However, its slow EV adoption is because of its mistrust of lithium-ion batteries, and it has positioned itself to be a leader in hybrid vehicles."--

Good. If any major company can make a viable alternative to the dangerous and environmentally devastating lithium ion batteries, it's Toyota.


Club Secretary
Staff member
Aug 23, 2005
north side
interesting, though I don't really buy his argument of "How can EVs be the future when a billion people on Earth have no electricity? " that would imply that those billion people are purchasing vehicles right? I don't think so..

but I'm generally a fan of free markets and less government so it's refreshing to see this.


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
interesting, though I don't really buy his argument of "How can EVs be the future when a billion people on Earth have no electricity? " that would imply that those billion people are purchasing vehicles right? I don't think so..
Well, yeah, the market in developing countries isn't zero right now. What do you see there - Corolla, Hilux and Cruisers, right?

What if your hypermegaglobal car company was the *only* one still making cars those 1 billion people could buy? Talk about cornering a market.

Or maybe he's thinking first world.



Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction


Cruise Moab Committee
Cruise Moab Committee
Feb 15, 2013


Trail Ready
Sep 7, 2013
Montrose, CO
The dumbest thing about EV's is that they've been marketed to "replace" and not supplement the consumer market. They're great for certain applications and can have a positive impact in urban environments while advancing technology but expecting such broad applications like long distance travel and towing is just dumb. Sure, it's possible but full EV will always fall short of practical.

There is something I'd like to see though. Competition EV rock crawlers.


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
The dumbest thing about EV's is that they've been marketed to "replace" and not supplement the consumer market. They're great for certain applications and can have a positive impact in urban environments while advancing technology but expecting such broad applications like long distance travel and towing is just dumb. Sure, it's possible but full EV will always fall short of practical.

There is something I'd like to see though. Competition EV rock crawlers.

Great option maybe for town run-about, where 100 mile range, small and cheap are selling points. None of which the EVs they offer here are except for the Leaf really.


Cruise Moab Committee
Cruise Moab Committee
Aug 4, 2014
The dumbest thing about EV's is that they've been marketed to "replace" and not supplement the consumer market. They're great for certain applications and can have a positive impact in urban environments while advancing technology but expecting such broad applications like long distance travel and towing is just dumb. Sure, it's possible but full EV will always fall short of practical.

There is something I'd like to see though. Competition EV rock crawlers.
I agree. Perfect for here in Denver for commuting and around town.
I can get behind hybrids more so than full electric.

KC Masterpiece

Hard Core 4+
May 4, 2019

Thats called the CAFE tax. Gotta pay to play. The V8 didn't die from natural causes.


Rising Sun Member
Oct 11, 2018
Morrison, CO
The big push for EVs is just a push to reduce peoples' freedom of movement. It just plain is. The massive EV fires are being suppressed in the media, no one talks about the children mining the minerals, the world demand for copper and other mined materials has to skyrocket for mass EV adoption, and the #1 EV car company in the world is shunned and hated by the US government because they don't like the CEO. Sure, that's genuine behavior.

I just laugh when I see someone spend so much money on EVs. $100k for an EV truck and the manufacturer says don't use the heater in the winter and drive under the speed limits :ROFLMAO:

I can't believe Ford is bungling it up so badly. EVs should be insanely cheap compared to a normal vehicle. The battery is by far and away the most expensive part, but everything else should be cheap and easy for a company like Ford. They are just idiots who handed the reigns to the woke marketing department. The new Mustang EV has high voltage hardware that is not even rated for the full power of the car! So people floor it stop light to stop light and it melts the contactors, which requires the entire battery to be removed, which requires High Voltage certified techs and a special facility, etc etc. I guess it's just Ford being Ford and spending $10 to save 2 cents.

I have a plan though. I am building my own EVs. So when the dystopian robot overlord future rolls around in 2035 and everyone has their internet-connected EV asking permission to drive from the UN, I can just plug my truck into some solar panels and drive where ever I want!


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
I have a plan though. I am building my own EVs. So when the dystopian robot overlord future rolls around in 2035 and everyone has their internet-connected EV asking permission to drive from the UN, I can just plug my truck into some solar panels and drive where ever I want!
Not a bad plan. Might be at 25 miles per day (or rather at night since you'd be sitting still in the sun with panels deployed during the day I presume) but you'll get there!