Sign the petition to allow lane splitting


Rising Sun Member
Sep 14, 2012
Denver, CO
Personally I never though I'd lane split until I rode a few times in downtown LA rush hour traffic, then I saw a Goldwing pass me and I followed him through probably 4 miles of bumper to bumper dead stopped traffic. Our traffic here isn't that bad, but there are certainly times it would be useful. The main thing I would want to use it for is getting out of the way of the guy flying up on my tail at a stoplight hoping he won't rear end me! I always keep it in first gear ready to go with my eyes on my rear view mirrors to ensure the person behind won't slam into me which I think is one of the most dangerous aspects of riding a motorcycle. Just signed the petition, and the link is below if you're inclined to do so as well.

"Lane splitting is something the rest of the world allows. In areas with congested traffic, it allows motorcycle riders to use the space in between 2 lanes of cars traveling in the same direction to advance through traffic. This act reduces car traffic because of the space a motorcycle takes up behind a car. Currently the State of California is the only place where such action is legal. We petition to make lane splitting a nationally recognized act, and to follow similar guide lines that the State of California has set forth."


RS Moderator
Staff member
Aug 22, 2005
Centennial, Colorado
I was in Rio and traffic is bad with the bikes speeding between cars at 40-50MPH. Looked pretty dangerous to me. one little movement by a car not knowing there was a bike coming and splat. We did see one bike down after getting in an accident on our drive.

Being a bike rider I can see how this would be great, not being a bike rider it makes me nervous. I will have to ponder it a bit


Rising Sun Member
Aug 22, 2005
How does a car turn left when a motorcycle is using the same space to go straight? I was at the top of the hill in Moab, stopped in the turn lane, and waiting to turn left. When opposing traffic was clear, I proceeded to turn left. I had no idea there was a motorcycle that was using the center lane to go straight. I was stopped and he was going 65MPH or more. I get that you shouldn't pass people on the right but passing on the left of a car stopped with his turn signal on was idiotic. To this day, I don't know how he didn't hit me.

J Kimmel

Hard Core 4+
Oct 25, 2005
Glenwood Springs CO
No way I'd split one here is used to it and it's a great way to get creamed. I think if they were to legalize it here you'd see a lot more accidents and a lot more motorcycle fatalities. It's bad enough when I'm riding to simply keep track of who's texting and who's daydreaming, etc.


Cruise Moab Committee
Staff member
Cruise Moab Committee
Aug 13, 2010
Longmont, CO
Splitting would only be an option for me in stopped traffic or when 2 bozos are cruising side by side at 5 under and won't move.

I never ever ride where I'll end up in the horrible I-70 traffic on the way back down. If the traffic was stopped and I could split it, I'd probably spend more time up that way.

If I'm about to die at a stop light because someone isn't stopping then I'm lane splitting no matter what the law. Life before law.

The down side is that well meaning, safe drivers will occasionally kill dumb riders and have to live with the bad memories but that happens to some degree now anyway.

I think I'll sign.


Rising Sun Member
Sep 14, 2012
Denver, CO
All good points guys, and I agree that crazy/irresponsible/careless/inattentive riders and drivers are dangerous. In California, cagers know to look out for motorcycles, and I felt pretty safe out there on the bike because people were aware. Here in Colorado I doubt many cagers would notice or yield for bikes if the law was changed, and no doubt there would be some spite towards riders getting ahead in traffic. I personally don't commute on a motorcycle for that reason, nor do I ride where I know I'll end up in chaotic situations like I-70 on Sunday afternoon as Andy pointed out.

I do think it would be helpful though on roads like Speer where there are a lot of lights in a short space where people are not paying attention and could easily rear end a stopped motorcycle. I live downtown right by Speer, and even on Sunday morning I would call it fairly dangerous. Lincoln/Broadway between 6th and Park Ave would be another place I think it would be helpful.

Either way I'm not trying to change anyone's mind or deride their opinion because it's all personal. I for one didn't think it was safe or smart until I tried it, and I've known 2 people through the Ducati message board who have been rear ended while sitting at stop lights waiting for it to turn green. Those two things have changed my opinion to be in favor of it, and I thought I'd spread the word of the petition. My guess is it has about the same chance of becoming law as daylight savings time getting abolished :)


RS Webmaster
Staff member
Cruise Moab Committee
Aug 22, 2005
In California, cagers know to look out for motorcycles, and I felt pretty safe out there on the bike because people were aware. Here in Colorado I doubt many cagers would notice...

What's a cager?


RS Moderator
Staff member
Aug 22, 2005
Centennial, Colorado
It would be dangerous on Alameda BLVD near Cherry Creek as you will find many codgers who are cagers. You probably know that from working in the area. Would you lane split two old Codgers doing 25 in a 40 zone? How about at night?

Still Pondering


Rising Sun Member
Sep 14, 2012
Denver, CO
It would be dangerous on Alameda BLVD near Cherry Creek as you will find many codgers who are cagers. You probably know that from working in the area. Would you lane split two old Codgers doing 25 in a 40 zone? How about at night?

Still Pondering

I never ride my motorcycle near where I work :D It is seriously dangerous around this part of town, and I've only ridden to work a single time when a few other people in the office wanted to ride their bikes too so we could all check them out. I typically only ride on Sunday mornings and head straight up to the mountains and avoid traffic at all costs. I also avoid codgers at all costs and quickly get around them and try to put a vehicle between myself and them since I think they're the most likely to rear end a bike at a stop light and say they didn't see it.

I was cruising down Speer over the summer going probably 30-35mph and was in the far right lane with zero traffic anywhere around right where Auraria intersects Speer. The light had been green for me for a good 30 seconds or so and looked ahead and saw a codger cager about to turn right onto Speer. He looked right at me, we made eye contact, and he pulled out directly in front of me anyway. I was of course anticipating it, so I easily pulled a lane over, honked my horn and stared at him as I passed to which he then seemed surprised like I came out of nowhere :rant:. Granted something like that happens on 50% of all rides motorcyclists take, but that one stood out to me as being blatant/flagrant/almost intentional. That was a long way of saying I would never get within a mirror length between two codgers for fear of my life! :)


RS Moderator
Staff member
Aug 22, 2005
Centennial, Colorado
yeah, you have to be careful and cautious of those cranky and cantankerous codgers cagers careening into you and turning you into a cold carcass


Sep 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
Just to clarify a few things, lane splitting is driving between the lanes, not in the center median, side median, etc, so the concern brought up by treeroot is not an issue. Not that there wouldn't be plenty of conflicts of people changing lanes, but not any kind of left or right turn interference.

However, generally speaking, people don't split lanes in CA anywhere but the freeway. This is based on my memory from my 5 year stint in CA back in the 80's. They do filter at lights, which means riding to the front of the line at a red light. But truly splitting on side streets doesn't happen as much from what I remember.

I am definitely signing, that would be an awesome change. It unfortunately doesn't have a snowball's chance of being implemented though. Way too many D-bag cagers who think you're somehow "cutting" in front of them, or somehow getting an advantage over them if you were to split. It infuriates some clueless people who don't understand that you're not in a line at the DMV waiting for someone to help you. If I pass you in the center lane it doesn't affect your commute one iota. In fact it helps because it's one less vehicle sitting in a traffic slot. Think of it as gaining a traffic lane, but only for certain vehicles.


Hard Core 4+
Aug 22, 2005
Denver CO
I was going to ask, doesn't lane splitting only apply to the freeway? I am surprised people would try it on surface streets, as it seems like there's too much going on.

On the other hand, it could make left hand freeway exits somewhat dangerous as well.

I like the idea because when I was driving in California I didn't know to look out for lane splitters until some passed me. I think it would be safer overall if this was a nationally recognized practice so people driving from state to state aren't caught off-guard.


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
Lane splitting on surface street and particularly in stopped traffic has a different name, called filtering. That's where the motorcycles weave through stopped or slow moving cars and filter towards the front of traffic or stop lights and signs.

I think a lot of riders are at least aware of it but I doubt the majority would do it. I know I personally don't really care to lane split, at least not regularly. However filtering I would do.

For example, I might split is when someone parks in the left lane traveling at the same speed as the right lane. I'd prefer to be in front or at least have some place to go. So I'd probably split in that case.


Rising Sun Member
Jan 14, 2016
A little late to drum up some interest and support but there was a hearing at the State Capitol building today in reference to lane sharing. Hopefully it gained some support in the Colorado legislation.


Sep 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
Very cool! If you have any insight as to what the outcome was let us know. I would love for splitting to be allowed. I've gotten to ride to work twice this week. I need to stop watching youtube videos of people in CA, and pretty much everywhere else in the world, splitting cause I frequently have the urge to do it in many circumstances.

Jenny Cruiser

Hard Core 4+
Nov 22, 2006
North of Hell
AFAIK filtering is the term they use in the UK for both lane splitting and 'filtering' to the front at light - etc. I put over 10k on my bike riding in Europe the summer before I left and never had any problems splitting lanes. You're not supposed to in Germay, but if you do cars will move out of your way when you make your way through a Stau. If you've ever witnessed the morning commute in Paris you have seen Gold Wings zipping betweens lanes without incident. However, US drivers are not European drivers (eastern Europe specifically excluded as the only place that has worse drivers is the Saudi peninsula). I don't lane split here. Too dangerous most of the time. I have gone ahead on the far left when caught in stopped Denver traffic, but only do about 5-15 mph as I have had people purposely try to hit me by pulling left on me as I pass. That kind of cager mentality is all too common here. :(