Poems about Cheese


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
Help @Hulk prove ol' Gilbert Keith C. wrong...

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Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
Poem 028: American Cheese

At department parties, I eat cheeses
my parents never heard of—gooey
pale cheeses speaking garbled tongues.
I have acquired a taste, yes, and that's
okay, I tell myself. I grew up in a house
shaded by the factory's clank and clamor.
A house built like a square of sixty-four
American Singles, the ones my mother made lunches
With—for the hungry man who disappeared
into that factory, and five hungry kids.
American Singles. Yellow mustard. Day-old
Wonder Bread. Not even Swiss, with its mysterious
holes. We were sparrows and starlings
still learning how the blue jay stole our eggs,
our nest eggs. Sixty-four Singles wrapped in wax—
dig your nails in to separate them.

When I come home, I crave—more than any home
cooking—those thin slices in the fridge. I fold
one in half, drop it in my mouth. My mother
can't understand. Doesn't remember me
being a cheese eater, plain like that.

-- Jim Daniels



Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
Dear Lady, I beg you
To cook as you please,
But don't overlook the
Importance of cheese!

-- Ruth McCrea in her book The ABC of Cheese Cookery



Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
From one of the most beloved of St. Louisans.

Apple-Pie And Cheese

Full many a sinful notion
Conceived of foreign powers
Has come across the ocean
To harm this land of ours;
And heresies called fashions
Have modesty effaced,
And baleful, morbid passions
Corrupt our native taste.
O tempora! O mores!
What profanations these
That seek to dim the glories
Of apple-pie and cheese!

-- Eugene Field

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Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
Father Ranney, the Cheese Pioneer

When Father Ranney left the States,
In Canada to try the fates,
He settled down in Dereham,
Then no dairyman lived near him;
He was the first there to squeeze
His cow's milk into good cheese,
And at each Provincial show
His famed cheese was all the go.

Then long life to Father Ranney
May he wealth and honour gain aye.

He always took the first prize
Both for quality and size,
But many of his neighbors
Now profit by his labors,
And the ladies dress in silk
From the proceeds of the milk,
But those who buy their butter,
How dear it is, they mutter.

Then long life to Father Ranney
May he wealth and honour gain aye.

Now we close this glorious theme,
This song of curds and rich cream,
You can buy your hoops and screws,
And all supplies for dairy use,
Milk cans and vats, all things like these
In Ingersoll great mart for cheese,
Here buyers do congregate
And pay for cheese the highest rate.

So we call on you again aye,
To honor Father Ranney.

-- James McIntyre



Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
There was a contest named "Chesterton was Wrong" at a site called All Poetry.


In the Seasons of Cheese

I sought quiet comfort in your arms.
You gave me bread, instead;
black bread with sharp cheese,
Russia’s spiced tea, laced with Vodka.
Snow shrouded our winter slipped away.

We celebrated pounding rain
on dark English moors
with strong black tea,
scones spread with jam and cheese,
and the days were not so gray.

The Italian sun drenched
our bare, tanned faces
while we sprinkled asagio on salads,
discussing inconsequential things
at frescoed sidewalk cafes.

Midst gold and russet leaves we dined
on fruit, bleu cheese and wine,
denying that the whistling winds
were turning autumn chill,
or we had reached a parting of the ways.

-- Michele Wass


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction

World Without Cheese
by Clive Williams

What an Armageddon
I simply could not believe.
That we would exist without cheese.
How lonely would my cracker be?
What would happen to the saying, “it’s cheesy.”
My burger would fall into complete depression
When cheese seize to exist and causes a food recession
All my friends would cry every day, especially Lisa
Because to her, there is nothing better than cheesy pizza.

There would be a riot across the nation
When people realise there is no Parmesan
Fires would start and everyone would attack the corner beggar
For he saved the last stale piece of cheddar
Mac would have an anxiety attack right away
As Mozzarella takes itself away
Many women would leave their husbands place
As they become obsessed in finding the last strawberry cheesecake
I simply can’t imagine a good meal of lasagna
No cheese to me is no pasta.

Oh God save us please
Give us back the almighty cheese
Don’t let this taste leave my mind
A world without cheese is like committing the greatest crime.