95 FJZ80 Leaking Oil and possibly more?! Need Help!


Brand New
Nov 12, 2020
Hey guys and gals,

Long time lurker here and first-time poster.

I bought my 80 in November and I love it. It's currently at 242,000 miles and though I've made a bunch of fixes for neglected maintenance or general wear and tear I think it's time to address the leaking oil. I've had it serviced at ATLR and Slee when I got it lifted both said the oil pump is leaking. Hard to tell exactly what's going on though because its pretty caked up under there. Anyways the quotes I'm getting to repair are north of $2k and was hoping someone on here has done this job or wanted to take this on and help me repair :) I am more than happy to compensate and/or barter -- I build websites and online marketing campaigns for a living. I'm told step one would be to power wash the undercarriage to better determine the leaks. If anyone is interested in meeting a fellow enthusiast and taking on this project please let me know. I'm located in West Denver, Barnum if that makes a difference.

Thanks for looking!



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