Which FRS/GMRS handheld radio(s) to buy?


Brand New
Aug 29, 2023
Added four radios to the matrix. Some the data is assumed since it was clear to me in user manuals or reviews, which I note below.

Bridgecom Echo E30 (GMRS HT)

Bridgecom Buddy F10 (FRS)


QYT GS800D (GMRS Mobile, CTCSS and DCS values are assumed as common with other Chinese brands)

View attachment 101933
Dave in Denver, where can I get a better resolution image of the matrix above? I have old eyes and when I blow it up it pixelates too much to read. Looks like a great tool to compare.


Brand New
Aug 29, 2023
New here but 50+ years off roading, 50+ years CB experience (don't have CB in rig anymore as no one I wheel with uses them anymore), 20 year Ham operator and 4 years GMRS.

I've tried lots of radios of all three types in the past, too many to even list. For Ham radio I've settled on the Yeasu FT400DXR which is a color touch screen dual band and very user friendly. For GMRS I've settled on the Midland MXT500 50 watt mobil because it can hold 199 repeater channels programmed via a Chirp like software and laptop. The programming software is free from Midland. I'll mention that most of my main club members have bought over 200 Midland MXT275 or MXT575 radios and love them.

As for my hand held, I've chosen the Midland GXT1050 (basically the same as the GXT1000 and GXT1030 except is covered in Real Tree Camo). They were selling the GXT1000 series at the Overland Expo on Loveland last weekend for $69.95 for the 1000 & 1030 and $74.95 for the 1050 camo version.

I've tried other GMRS models and had them looked at by a radio tech and he had nothing good to say about the Rugged radios, telling me they had cheap internals and poor soldering, same with Baofeng and B-Tech. He also said that he would never agree to work on any of them because of the sloopy manufacturing. My other club tried Baofeng and BTech and we dubbed them"throw away" radios.

I'm headed to the Teton Overland Expo in Idaho Falls on the 15th of Sept and going to buy one of their new 6db Bull Bar antennas. They are new and they don't discount online but they do give 15% at shows. Would have gotten one in Loveland but they sold out of them.

Anyway feel free to ask me any questions about Ham or GMRS, always glad to pass on my experience and knowlege to fellow off roaders/overlanders.


Rising Sun Ham Guru
Jun 8, 2006
Grand Junction
OK, regardless of what was uploaded I ran a new PDF print, converted to a PNG to make it forum compatible.

This one is 14 point text and it looks like I'd added a few more radios since the last run. The new image should be 3600x3150 pixels or 24"x21" if you try to send it to a printer.

Be sure to click on the image, the forum sizes it down to fit in the post window. If you click the image in the post (the "thumbnail") it will open a floating viewer or maybe a new tab with the full size image.


Last edited:


Brand New
Aug 29, 2023
OK, regardless of what was uploaded I ran a new PDF print, converted to a PNG to make it forum compatible.

This one is 14 point text and it looks like I'd added a few more radios since the last run. The new image should be 3600x3150 pixels or 24"x21" if you try to send it to a printer.

Be sure to click on the image, the forum sizes it down to fit in the post window. If you click the image in the post (the "thumbnail") it will open a floating viewer or maybe a new tab with the full size image.

View attachment 119869
Perfect ! THANKS !!!!!