Hi Guest: Our monthly RS meeting on Wed. May 1st will be held at the Rooney Sports Complex. Details and directions are here. Early start time: 7:00 pm. to take advantage of daylight. We'll be talking ColoYota Expo and Cruise Moab.
    If you are eligible for club membership, please fill out an application in advance of the meeting and bring it with you.

Rising Sun Forum FAQs


Rising Sun Member
Aug 13, 2018
Englewood, CO
Who can be a part of this forum?
Anyone who registers who is not a troll bot.

Do you need to be a member of the RS Club in order to be a member of the forum?
Nope. We have lots of people from all over who are part of the forum.

What is the difference between a "club" member and a "forum" member?
  • If you're a club member, you probably live in Colorado, wheel with local members, and at least occasionally attend a meeting. You pay dues to be a club member.
  • If you're a forum member, you participate in this online forum. You may meet up at Cruise Moab or somewhere else. There are no dues. Just don't be a dick.
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